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Senior Pastors
Mike & Deenie Rose
Mike and Deenie Rose have been the senior pastors of Juneau Christian Center since December 1987. Before coming to Juneau, Mike and Deenie with their two sons Ben and Justin, pioneered a church in Lisbon, ND and planted churches in the region. They love the people and city of Juneau and are excited to Love God. Love People and Love Life! In their spare time they love to spend time with their grandkids: Ashton, Taylor, Macy, Peyton and Cooper.
Administrative Assistant
Tiffany Bean
Tiffany is behind the scenes making sure all of the church's I's are dotted and T's are crossed!

Facilities Manager
Rich Zinn
There isn't a harder working or more talented man than Rich Zinn. His heart for the church exudes into everything he sets his hands to.

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